Nina Keenam

Lots to see when traveling off the interstate

When construction was underway on an interstate highway one hot, sunny day, my husband and I chose to ...


Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492

One of the most significant events in history happened in 1492. It’s why our country celebrates that event with ...


Opal offers knowledge of the portable sawmill

A portable sawmill? As a youngster, I often visited a sawmill that was supervised by the father of ...


October designated Clergy Appreciation Month

October has been designated as Clergy Appreciation Month to show gratitude toward the ministers who unselfishly serve in ...


What a difference a “date” makes

Everything was in preparation for a Sunday afternoon wedding. The bride-to-be had been busy as bees around a ...


Students to gather for prayer at school flagpoles Sept. 28

Millions of students across the nation will gather for prayer at their school flagpoles on Wednesday morning, September ...


Follow your dreams with God’s guidance

Clint had a lifelong dream. If only he could stand before an audience and sing praises to God. ...


The faith of Queen Elizabeth II in her own words

Since Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8, the media has looked back on her long life and ...


Junk mail can be pleasurable sometimes

A 1957 Ford Skyliner was pictured on the cover of a catalog advertising small die-cast replicas of cars ...


We will never forget…it’s the 21st anniversary of 9/11

It happened twenty-one years ago, but the images of death and destruction are as vivid a memory as ...

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