
It’s difficult to resist a strawberry

What fruit is the only one that its seeds grow on the outside instead of the inside? If ...


He is God and we are not

“Oh, God!” That was the title of a 1977 comedy movie starring George Burns as God and John ...


Woodpeckers always get attention

I was happy I had a field guide handy when I noticed a rather big bird picking the ...


Veteran told about his experiences in Hanoi Hilton

Howard Rutledge wrote a book, in which he told about his plane being shot down over Vietnam. He parachuted ...


With weather, it pays to be prepared

I woke up a few days ago to find October slipped away and November settling right in. Another ...


Partnership is the latest in positive steps for LBW, USA

A partnership announced last week between LBW Community College and the University of South Alabama is a victory ...


He is the God of now

There’s a story told about a little boy who would kneel down beside his bed every night and ...


Do you have Native American ancestry?

Do you have Indian blood? I once claimed I was part Indian. I am not. When I was ...


Do you believe there is a devil?

The devil may soon knock at your door. He might be dressed in a red suit with horns on ...


“God’s Smuggler” Brother Andrew dies at age 94

A hero of the faith died recently. You’ve probably never heard his name – Andrew Van der Bigi. ...

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