Jan White

History reminds us of America’s Christian heritage

America’s Christian heritage cannot be denied because history records it. We need to be reminded of these timeless ...


Tips for dementia patients caregivers, Part 2

First, we need to be aware that physical illness can cause behavior change. You should have a physician ...


Family reunions bring back memories of home

Summertime is the season for family reunions and church homecomings. It’s the time when people from faraway places ...

Guest columnist

Discussing terminal diagnosis of dementia

Today we will start a two-part series on the terminal diagnosis of dementia. Though there are several types ...


Two years have gone by too fast

Today marks exactly two years since I came on board with the Andalusia Star-News. It’s truly a blessing ...


Take time to make lasting memories for your children

I once read an unforgettable story about the importance of taking the time to make lasting memories with ...


Having choices can be powerful

Again this week, I am choosing to interrupt the series on disease-specific prognosis to discuss a topic that ...


What if we all lived by the Golden Rule?

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We usually learn this sentence, known as the ...

Guest columnist

Recognizing National CNA Week, June 14-20

In honor of National CNA Week, June 14 – 20, 2023, I will break from our Disease-Specific prognosis ...


Get rid of your lumber before you remove other’s splinters

Sometimes you read something that gives you food for thought. I read a quote attributed to Holocaust survivor ...

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