
Hospice provides more than end-of-life medical care

Being referred to hospice is being referred to a team of healthcare professionals who are experienced, trained, and ...


Believers must walk by faith and not by sight

My palms were sweating and my heart, pounding. I wanted to watch; then I couldn’t watch. I paced ...


Frequently asked questions about hospice

Following are some frequently asked questions we hear about hospice. Perhaps it will help you and your family. ...


Search my heart and know my thoughts, God

Go to any airport, government building, or military installation and you will go through security screening before entering. It’s ...


Avoid regret: Make time for family and friends

I grew up knowing that next to my parents and my sisters — my extended family, consisting of ...


Students to gather for prayer at school flagpoles Sept. 27

Students across the nation and around the world will gather for prayer at their school flagpoles on Wednesday ...


Is there a cross in your life?

Two days after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, rescue workers made a remarkable discovery at Ground Zero. Some called ...


When to have a conversation about hospice

I often say two things: whatever is going to happen is going to happen with or without hospice, ...


PFC Oliver C. Clark, Jr., U.S. Army Part 1: Task Force Smith and The Battle of Osan

By Robert Evers, Covington Veterans Foundation On July 5, 1950, the first ground engagement between the armed forces ...

Jan White

Work: One of God’s first commands to mankind

There’s a funny bumper sticker I’ve seen on vehicles from time to time. It’s a play on words from ...

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