Letters to the Editor

Writer opposes Ground Zeron mosque

Dear Editor, My fellow Americans, did you know that even some of the Democratic leaders are turning on ...

Letters to the Editor

Take action, demonstrate intolerance of abuse

July 27 was a bad day for children in Alabama; there were six headline stories on July 27 ...

Letters to the Editor

Andalusians showed Southern hospitality

Recently, my family and I spent several days in Andalusia while our 14-year-old son participated in the Alabama ...

Letters to the Editor

Local tea party group: We aren’t racists

The national media is rife with stories of the “Tea Party” being accused of racism and the “Tea ...


Firemen’s response appreciated

Having been a teacher of young children at one point in my life, I know when occupations were ...

Letters to the Editor

Always remember, majority elects

I have been a political junky for over a half century. During many of those years I was ...

Letters to the Editor

Armstrong encourages support for Byrne

I encourage my fellow citizens in Covington County to support Bradley Byrne for governor.  Bradley is the best ...

Letters to the Editor

Andalusians should display flags more often

Today is July 4, Independence Day, a day we should be celebrating by flying our American flag and ...

Letters to the Editor

Florala could use new hospital

What is gonna happen to our hospital? I think we need a new one to be up-to-date with ...

Letters to the Editor

Freedom isn’t free

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which ...

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