Letters to the Editor

Fans should stay with team until end

I would like to say how much I have enjoyed the Andalusia High School football season. The guys ...

Letters to the Editor

Fans should stay with team until end

On Fri., Sept. 21, my dog was attached by a neighbor’s dog on Faircloth Street. When I tried ...

Letters to the Editor

Raising flag issue could help some win

Dear editor: The candidates for Alabama governor and lt. governor will win that follow the example of Haley ...

Letters to the Editor

Citizen: No to new taxes, purchases

I received my bill from the Andalusia Utilities, on Mon., Sept. 20, 2010, and found a letter stating ...

Letters to the Editor

What is Imam Rauf really saying?

Dear Editor, Do any of you remember the old saying ”Never forget lest we regress?” This holds true ...

Letters to the Editor

Generous support of many benefits local arts groups

To the editor: Once again, Covington County has shown its appreciation of the arts. Saturday’s 2010 Art Off ...

Letters to the Editor

Encourage commissioners to make rec a priority

In recent weeks, we have seen meetings between members of the Covington County Commission, leaders from the Cities ...

Letters to the Editor

Writer pleased with local schools

Dear Editor, I have noticed lately all the articles in the paper concerning the Andalusia City School Board. ...

Letters to the Editor

Push away from table, eat fruit

Dear Editor, I have been seeing on TV the morning show news, where they are talking about grown ...

Letters to the Editor

Mansion purchase should be applauded

I would like to applaud Mayor Earl Johnson and the city leaders for their courage and conviction in ...

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