Letters to the Editor

‘Strangers’ say thanks for help

You hear about all the bad people and horrible things they do, but I would like everyone to ...

Letters to the Editor

June 2 holiday honors Davis

Monday, June 2, is Alabama’s legal holiday to honor President Jefferson Davis, a U.S. Army veteran who fought ...

Letters to the Editor

Look deeper at issue of ‘rights’

To the editor: After reading the article in the May, 14, 2014, Star-News about the comments made by ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for supporting food ministry

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Rice and Beans Ministry of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, I would like ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for support

Dear Editor, A special thank you to all the volunteers who helped bake wonderful cakes and pies and ...

Letters to the Editor

We could even have wrestling

Dear editor, What is wrong with our Florala council and our mayor? When the middle school closed down, ...

Letters to the Editor

Now and again, take the bus

I am a senior citizen and no longer drive. Considering the cost of maintaining a vehicle, the price ...

Letters to the Editor

Double the pleasure in Andalusia

Andalusia was the “host city” for the 2014 Alabama Tandem Weekend, “ATW,” April 3-6. Thirty-three cyclists on 15 ...

Letters to the Editor

Writer heartbroken over broken stone

To the editor: You know, I sit here and ask why people do not have a little respect ...

Letters to the Editor

Already too many drugs in Florala

To the editor: I can’t believe what the City of Florala has got themselves in to. Florala is ...

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