
Did you know? Did you need to?

Since my husband sometimes puts me to work researching this and that for him, I composed today’s column ...

Nina Keenam

Music memories fill blue book

Several readers noticed that I didn’t have a column this year about the dulcimer festival we attend every ...

Nina Keenam

Children love puddles

Not too long ago in the aftermath of a sudden thunderstorm, I was driving down a familiar street ...

Nina Keenam

At Star-News, we saw changes

I saw our good friend Hazel Jordan at the farmer’s market a few days ago. She was selling ...

Nina Keenam

A fun dictionary. Who knew?

Several years ago when I received a gift certificate to use at an Internet book store, I chose ...


Yes, we still have deadlines

You’d think when you reach senior status and retirement age, deadlines would be a thing of the past. ...

Nina Keenam

Swatter ups odds in battle with fly

“There’s a fly in this kitchen,” I said, as the pesky insect breezed by my face for the ...

Nina Keenam

Pea-shelling time in the South

Ah, summertime. It brings to mind hot, humid days; dipping my toes in salt water at the beach; ...

Nina Keenam

You don’t always win a ‘prize’

All the news about bingo in our state reminded me of my unwanted bingo prize. Many years ago, ...

Nina Keenam

Oil spill? Enough already!

I don’t like to listen to the news about the oil spill. I don’t want to hear the ...

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