Nina Keenam

Sometimes, our packaging is too good

I bet it’s happened to you. You are eating out and you pick up a package of crackers ...

Nina Keenam

Shorthand dates to 18th century

Back in high school when I studied shorthand, I never gave a thought to who invented it. In ...

Nina Keenam

Mis’ Lou’s stories still bring laughter

I needed a prescription—a Mis’ Lou prescription—to get me started on this column today. The late Lou Brown, ...

Nina Keenam

Unsolicited ‘gifts’ guilt her into giving

The package came from a company I have never heard of. Inside was a fabric tote bag. Nothing ...

Nina Keenam

Encounter, though brief, left long-lasting memories

In this life, we sometimes have a brief encounter with a stranger, then never see or hear from ...

Nina Keenam

Skipping’s a skill you never forget, and it’s always fun

Last Sunday two little girls in beautiful dresses with big bows in their hair held hands as they ...

Nina Keenam

Overprotective mom reached for meat cleaver in defense

Sometimes out of the blue a letter arrives for me. I recognize the handwriting. I know it’s from ...


Midsummer, lightning bugs haven’t yet appeared?

Here it is midsummer and I haven’t seen any lightning bugs yet. Lightning bugs were as much of ...

Nina Keenam

What’s true today might be changed tomorrow

Sometimes we don’t know what to believe. When my son punched the button on a remote, a line ...

Nina Keenam

Dirty dishes evidence we have plenty

When my granddaughter posted a picture on Facebook to demonstrate how clever she was to stack so many ...

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