Covington County

Relay raises $107K in cancer fight

“To Tell the Truth” this year’s Covington County game show-themed Relay for Life event raised $103,453.68.

Covington County

Federal inmate number holding strong

The U.S. Marshals are upholding their end of anagreement with the Covington County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Dennis Meeks ...

Covington County

Only 10 days left to register to vote

With less than three weeks remaining until the June 1 primary, residents should be reminded only 10 days ...

Covington County

7 polling places become handicap compliant

Thanks to a more than $4,000 grant, seven of the county’s 25 polling places are being made handicap ...

Covington County

Relay celebrates courage, hopes for cure

“C” is not just for cancer,” said Vickie Wancaster. “It stands for committment, because you have to promise ...

Covington County

Father charged with abusing newborn daughter

An Andalusia father was arrested Friday for allegedly inflicting injuries consistent with “shaken baby syndrome” on his newborn ...

Covington County

Stamp Out Hunger is Saturday

Mail carriers all over the county will collect non-perishable food items on Sat., May 8.

Covington County

Habitat needs help raising funds

Now that the newest Habitat for Humanity home is finished and the family has the keys, organizers are ...

Covington County

Residents turn out for National Day of Prayer

Christians from around Andalusia turned out to the square to pray for the nation, military, churches and families ...

Covington County

Get ready to ‘Relay’ today

The Covington County Relay for Life’s game show themed event will kick-off tonight at 6 p.m. at ...

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