
Share the obvious secret

Perhaps they wonder about us, suspecting there’s a catch. A secret. Something we’re hiding. How else could it ...


Neil Armstrong walked in footsteps of Jesus

During the past couple of weeks, Americans and people around the world recalled the historic event 50 years ...


Guest column: It’s never too late to go home

Last week, Kenneth Allen fired up the John Deere and headed for a Minnesota county fair. Why not? ...


God will reveal himself to the pure of heart

In Matthew 5:8, Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” He was ...


Make a difference, go the extra mile

Recently, Fox News commentator Ed Henry gave part of his liver to his sister, who is battling a ...


Finding meaning in our world now

    The world is so connected now, but it is not really that connected in ways that ...


We should all be crazy like Harriet

Throughout the year in the Episcopal Church we remember people who were witnesses to Christ’s love – in ...


Man first walked on the moon 50 years ago

I remember watching live news coverage on our family’s black and white TV screen when astronaut Neil Armstrong ...


Land of the free because of the brave

Harold Wise had no idea what he was getting himself into. Neither did the American people living along ...


Many continue to ask: Where’s the beef?

It was a famous TV commercial: A woman staring at her hamburger shouting, “Where’s the beef!” Many think ...

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