
Who knew? Try frying whole okra pod

I love fried okra, but have never fried the whole pod. Usually in restaurants it is always cut ...


Yummy burgers for the Fourth!

The Fourth of July is just around the corner and surely the beginning of summer. Also known as ...


Make yourself a plantation meal

We had some visitors to come from Wilmington, N.C., and they wanted to see a “real plantation.” Well ...


Add a Thai salad to your Father’s Day menu

The campaign to celebrate the nation’s fathers did not meet with the same enthusiasm—perhaps because, as one florist ...


Put some asparagus on your pizza

I really love pizza and order it when I can. Where can you get good veggies, cheese, and ...


Chainey brairs — try them, they are good

We were on the North Carolina coast this past week and good friends had us over for dinner. ...


Baked potato salad is yummy

For most of us Memorial Day is a celebration of a three-day weekend, but much like other federal ...


Please pass the peas

At church on a recent Sunday a parishioner said he was sending broccoli, new potatoes, etc. to market. ...


Here’s something different for Mother’s Day

It has been a while since I discussed the origin of Mother’s Day and thought it was time ...


Pinchos Morunos — try it, you’ll like it

As my husband and I continue on our low-carb diet I am looking for ways to prepare meats ...

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