Nina Keenam, Author at The Andalusia Star-News - Page 12 of 46

Nina Keenam

Quiz your memory with these questions

If someone asked you the difference between a post card and a postal card, how would you answer? I would have said they are the ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, March 24, 2018 1:35 am

Nina Keenam

We all have time, if we use it right

I often reflect on how fleeting time is as I grow older. When someone refers to the 1950s and 1960s as the “old days,” it ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, March 17, 2018 2:35 am

Nina Keenam

Once, she was girl afraid of bridges

The drive was long from Louisiana,more than six hours, with only a couple of short breaks. No wonder the eight-year-old sitting on my couch after ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, March 10, 2018 2:28 am

Nina Keenam

Yesteryear’s notes keep memories fresh

I found some notes relating to a sandy bayside walk with my husband tucked among yellowing newspaper clippings. I have done that through the years—scratched ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, March 3, 2018 1:32 am

Nina Keenam

A little dog changed everything

Ever since my dog, Little Girl, came to live with me, things have been lively at our house. One morning I awoke about 5:30. I ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, February 24, 2018 3:41 am

Nina Keenam

Time, it seems, changes everything

Nothing exists there anymore. All the houses that hung precariously on the hilltops and lined the roads are gone. So are the company store, the ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, February 17, 2018 1:44 am

Nina Keenam

Dusting off the dulcimer brings back memories

I placed the case on the coffee table, flipped up the latches, and removed the instrument. I couldn’t help smiling as I ran my hand ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, February 10, 2018 1:09 am

Nina Keenam

Pleased to be streaming old favorites to television

I am excited to learn that I can watch “The Tales of the Gold Monkey,” a series that aired in 1982, by means of streaming ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, February 3, 2018 2:05 am

Nina Keenam

All sorts of hazards slowed production of ‘Oz’

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a 1939 American musical fantasy, is one of my daughter’s favorite movies. Any time it appeared on television during her ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, January 27, 2018 7:46 pm

Nina Keenam

So many things for which to be thankful

How wonderful it was earlier this week to rush inside a warm house after running an errand. Bits of snow had still lingered in shady ... Read more

by Nina Keenam, Saturday, January 20, 2018 1:39 am

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