Mrs. C.R. Grundy, Author at The Andalusia Star-News - Page 27 of 27


Overheard, out and about, Mrs. Grundy sees all, tells all

Peeping through my Venetian blind, I noticed in one of the fields around Covington Hall an abundance of coreopsis, primroses, and verbena Read more

by MRs. C.R. Grundy, Saturday, May 22, 2010 12:00 am


Overheard, out and about, Mrs. Grundy sees all, tells all

Peeping through my Venetian blind, I saw Miss Cora Covington, coming across the way with something in each hand. Greeting her at my cottage door, ... Read more

by MRs. C.R. Grundy, Monday, May 17, 2010 8:26 pm


Overheard, out and about, Mrs. Grundy sees all, tells all

Peeping through my Venetian blind, I saw in bloom in my cottage garden, along the road, and across the way at Covington Hall weigela, daylilies, ... Read more

by MRs. C.R. Grundy, Saturday, May 8, 2010 12:00 am

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