South Luverne Baptist is the place to be on Saturday night
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 20, 2005
The place to be this Saturday night is South Luverne Baptist Church! Beth Moore's Praise and Worship will be in concert at 7:00 p.m. this Saturday night Jan. 22. Pastor Mike Green extends an invitation to all churches to join them for this time of worship. Travis Cottrell, worship leader, and 8 band members will also lead the worship service Sunday morning during the 10:50 a.m. service at SLBC. There will be no admission charge for the concert, however there will be a love offering taken to help with expenses if you desire to give a donation.
The Young at Heart group of the Luverne United Methodist Church met for their monthly ever second Tuesday night supper on Jan. 11,at six p.m. The fellowship hall was where everyone gathered for this special time with friends. Dorothy Wyatt had arranged two beautiful fresh flowers and greenery arrangements for the dinning tables. Ellen Solomon welcomed all the members and guest. She invited the ones having birthdays in January to come forward and the group sang Happy Birthday to them. Rev. Jesse Evans gave the blessing for the bountiful covered dish meal.
After the food and fellowship Nancy Petrey introduced Pastor Michael Green of South Luverne Baptist church as the guest speaker. Pastor Mike gave a very interesting review of his recent 10-day tour of The Holy Land.
The 1947 LHS classmate lunch group held their January luncheon at Lawhon's Family Restaurant with 11 classmates in attendance. The group enjoyed sharing an update of their families. They are excited as they look forward to a class reunion to be held on the first Saturday in August, 2005. The 1947 classmates has a reunion every odd year. Margaret Nichols keeps a scrapbook of all lunch group activities and pictures of meetings held by the lunch group.
A Thinking of You card was signed by all attending to be sent to Gerald and Alice Curtis. Alice is home now and doing well following serious brain surgery. The lunch group was so happy to see Mable Little and Virginia Bush.
They had not been able to attend the luncheons in a while. Mable had a fall and injured her back.Virginia and Joe also maintain a home in Florida. Others attending were Mattie Pearl Sport, Mattie Lula Jeffcoat, Florence Jeffcoat, Edna Norsworthy, Louise Morgan, Voncile Nichols, Ramona Barrow, Mary Susan Borom and Margaret Nichols. The February luncheon will be at Lawhon's.
The New Harmony Baptist Church will have an ordination service for Brother Dale Brown on Sunday, January 23, at 2:00 P.M. Rev. Mike Green, Rev. Travis Hitt, and Rev. Joe Leverette will take part in the service. Refreshments and fellowship will follow in the fellowship hall. The church extends an invitation to all to attend.
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Nichols of Franklin, Tennessee spent the weekend with Mr. Lifford Nichols.
The Women on Missions of South Luverne Baptist Church met for their Jan. meeting on Jan. 11, at 2 p.m. Doris Rogers, W.M.U. director, presided over the business meetings and called for reports from the different committees. Final plans were made for hosting the quarterly W.M.U. meeting to be held at SLBC on Monday night Jan. 17. Christine Coggins gave an interesting program from the Mosaic Mission magazine. Other members attending were Ella Billings, Edna Norsworthy, Polly Duncan, Faye Moody, Chrys Baggett, Betty Tomberlin, John Ganey dropped by for a brief visit as a visitor.
This writer of Luverne Community news needs your help. Please send your news to me by early Monday morning or sooner if possible. Your events are important to us and we will be happy to hear from you. Call 335-6643.
This week: The happiest times we ever spend are those we share with a special friend. Be thankful for your friends. Wear a smile and have friends. Wear a frown and have wrinkles.