‘Doing the Right Thing’ webcast is Saturday at LBW’s Dixon Center

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 22, 2011

Locals interested in the morals of America have the opportunity to take part in a webcast event to explore the problem and possible solution this weekend.

Jan White and Corey Bryan, who serve on the Sav-A-Life board of directors, have teamed up to bring a nationwide webcast on the crisis of ethics, aptly called “Doing the Right Thing.”

“Our society is facing a moral and ethical meltdown,” White said. “It’s obvious by the headlines in the news. We did not want to miss an opportunity for people to hear this outstanding panel of speakers.”

The Colson Center for Christian Worl-dview, founded by Chuck Colson, created the webcast and the accompanying six-part DVD series.

Speakers include Colson called President Richard Nixon’s “hatchet man,” who has written more than 20 books, among other achievements; Dr. Del Tackett, former president of the Focus on the Family Institute and a former senior vice president of Focus on the Family; John Stone-street, co-author of “Making Sense of Your World: A Biblical Overv-iew;” Dr. Robert George, a former judicial fellow for the United States Supreme Court; Michael Miller, the director of programs at the Action Institute; and the host Eric Metaxas, who is a bestselling author of “Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Cam-paign to End Slavery.”

White said the team of panelists will examine the present crisis of ethics and point toward a solution proposed by the Christian worldview.

Bryan agreed.

“In light of the current mess our country finds itself in, it’s vital to our country’s well-being that we address the issue of moral and ethical standards in our government and marketplace,” he said. “Some of the major underlying causes of our recent and current economic crisis can be attributed to greed, dishonesty and a lack of accountability.”

Bryan said during the program, Colson calls the country back to biblical truths and provides that the answer to all of the governmental, societal and economic problems quite simply lies in doing the right thing.

“It’s a call to restore virtue in our country, where it has been lost,” he said. “As Ben-jamin Franklin, so aptly stated, ‘Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.’”

The event will be held this Saturday from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at LBW-CC’s Dixon Center.

There is no charge to participate.

For more information, call White at 222-2907.