Library is a treasure for the county

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Last Saturday, youngsters who were part of the monthly Super Saturday program at the Greenville-Butler County Public Library got to search for a &uot;pot of gold&uot; at the end of their St. Patrick’s Day-themed sessions.

Of course, it was gold-wrapped candies they divided among themselves, rather than the legendary pot of gleaming coins collected by Ireland’s leprechauns.

I’d say those children found quite a valuable treasure by simply walking through the front doors that morning.

The library itself is something truly special. Irish or not, we should all thank our lucky stars here in Butler County.

I know it’s only been a month or so since I profiled the children’s Super Saturday program in our Lifestyles section. However, in this life-long book lover’s opinion, our city-county library fully deserves the good press.

The library not only offers a wide variety of books, newspapers and periodicals for all ages and interests, it also gives folks who don’t have home computers a chance to come in and do research in a quiet, comfortable setting.

High school and college students can work on classroom projects and term papers.

Parents can bring in their youngsters, letting them browse through the wonderful collection of children’s books or put together puzzles. It’s the perfect place to help build a love of reading and books in a young child.

And it’s a place youngsters from different schools and different towns can come together and socialize each month during Super Saturday.

Miss Jean does such a great job – the woman was born to work with kids, I am convinced – and always has fun ideas she incorporates into the monthly sessions and throughout the summer during the annual reading programs.

She also has a full-time job teaching her &uot;little people&uot; at W.O. Parmer, so her time and resources are truly stretched. Yet she always seems to handle those curious, energetic kids with humor, patience and great aplomb. I take my hat(s) off to this talented and capable lady.

In fact, the entire library staff is great – smiling, pleasant, always ready to help you out if they can.

So I encourage you to help the library out next month by supporting their annual book sale. Donate those used books, get rid of those stacks of magazines and bring in those movies and music DVDs, CDs and tapes you no longer want and/or don't have the room for.

Your &uot;trash&uot; will become someone else’s treasure on April 7 and 8.

If you want to replenish your library with some very affordable books, then grab a sturdy tote bag and come shopping that weekend. Pay $5 that Friday and get first crack at this literary &uot;pot of gold’ from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The sale continues on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with free admission.

All the funds raised go for library equipment and supplies, making it an even better place to visit.

How lucky we are!

Angie Long is Lifestyles reporter for The Greenville Advocate. She can be reached at 382-3111 ext. 132 or via email at