GOP rallies at courthouse

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 29, 2006

Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh told gatherers at a political rally on Thursday that the Alabama Republican Party is growing each day. And, the party chairperson said, the GOP owes much of that growth to the Democrats.

&#8220We're getting a lot of help from the Democrats, because they're not connecting with the people,” said Cavanaugh.

The rally was held early Thursday morning, but the time, coupled with gusting wind and cooler temperatures, didn't stop a small number of Butler County Republicans and voters from attending. Thursday's stop was part of the GOP's statewide tour through all 67 counties in preparation for the general election in November. Greenville resident Joan Reynolds, candidate for the District 30 senate seat, also attended, as did Johnny Lee, who is running for probate judge.

&#8220I'm running as a Republican because I believe in the Republican ideals,” said Lee.

Reynolds will face incumbent Sen. Wendell Mitchell (D-Luverne).

Cavanaugh urged local party members to help elect Reynolds to the senate and to educate the public about which party controls the legislature.

&#8220One of our goals in this election is to take the Alabama Legislature,” she said. &#8220A poll conducted found that two out of three Alabama voters were not aware that the legislature is controlled by Democrats.”

Cavanaugh cited the Democrat-controlled legislature as the reason Gov. Bob Riley's tax cut plan failed to address the needs of every Alabamian. The tax cut, signed into law earlier this month, raised the income threshold at which Alabama starts taxing a family of four from $4,600 to $12,500.

But Cavanaugh said the Governor intended each Alabamian to receive a tax break, but Democrats in the legislature wouldn't allow it.

&#8220This was the best we could get with a Democrat-controlled legislature,” she said. &#8220We tried to include at least eight amendments to the bill and they each failed on a party-line vote.”

Cavanaugh also accused Democrats of halting passage of the &#8220Brody Bill” - which changes an Alabama law making the murderer of a pregnant woman guilty of two crimes - for three years.

&#8220Even liberal California has had this law, but it took an election year and pressure from voters for the Democrats to put it to a vote,” she said.

Reynolds said while Alabamians should be proud to boast a lower unemployment rate and increasing job opportunities, it's time elected officials start looking out for small businesses.

&#8220We need to use all of our resources at the state level to expand small businesses and to grow them,” she said.

Of Mitchell, Reynolds said her opponent has often said there's no &#8220difference in a Republican and Democrat.”

&#8220That's not so,” she said. &#8220If you want to see who is a liberal, check and see who the trial lawyers support.”

Reynolds and Cavanaugh both praised Commissioner Jerry Hartin, who also attended, the lone Republican on the Butler County Commission.

&#8220Jerry won against an incumbent and proved it can be done,” said Reynolds.