Riley to speak at Thursday luncheon

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 10, 2006

Local citizens will have the opportunity to hear Governor Bob Riley in person next week when the governor visits the Camellia City on Thursday, June 15.

Riley will be speaking at a noon luncheon sponsored by the Rotary Club and the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce.

&#8220We are delighted to have the governor pay us a visit,” Rotary President, Dr. Everett Snow, said.

&#8220It is due to Bill Bates' efforts as a good Republican and a good friend to the governor that we are able to be the host club for this event.”

&#8220I am looking forward to coming to Greenville again and visiting with the fine people there,” Riley said through a statement issued by his press office.

In order to allow more people to attend Thursday's luncheon with the governor, the Rotarians have provided packets of tickets for sale to other civic groups throughout the city.

&#8220Gov. Riley doesn't make it here that often, so we wanted to give as many people as we could the opportunity to come, eat and hear him speak,” Snow said.

Those who are interested in attending who have not yet purchased their tickets, which are $10 each, should contact one of the area civic clubs to see if tickets are still available.

Even if the tickets for the luncheon are sold out, Snow says folks who would like to come and hear the governor are certainly welcome to come to the Boys and Girls Club next Thursday at noon.

&#8220They may have to stand, but we welcome them to come and join us for this special occasion. We are looking for a good turnout and good program on Thursday.”