Groups to hula, cut hair for Relay

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 21, 2007

With the Annual American Cancer Society's Relay For Life in Butler County fast approaching (the event is slated for May 11 at the YMCA), local RLF teams are gearing up to raise funds for the worthy cause.

The Butler County Optimist Club will be &#8220Jumping and Hula-Hooping for a Cure” on Saturday, March 24, 2007.

The event will run from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the corner of Water St. and West Commerce, in the CBC parking lot.

&#8220We want to invite the public to come and take part in this fundraiser. If there are school groups, church groups or clubs who would like to participate, they just need to give me a call,” said Willie Mae Robinson of the BCOC.

For more information, contact Robinson at 382-3867.

On April 21, a unique event is slated at 6 p.m. in Confederate Park. Some 30 ladies from across the area will be getting their hair cut for a very worthwhile cause.

The women want to raise cancer awareness and to provide wigs for those who have lost their own hair to cancer, says organizer Jill Stallworth.

&#8220Each person is cutting their hair in memory of someone they loved who had cancer. In addition, they will also choose someone from that person's family, or a close friend, to actually cut their ponytail,” Stallworth explained.

All ponytails 10 inches or longer will be donated to Locks of Love (for children) and 8 inch ponytails to Pantene Beautiful Locks (for women).

A live band will be performing in the park that night, and refreshments will be available to raise funds for Relay For Life.

&#8220We plan to offer BBQ baskets with sandwiches, chips, drink and dessert for just $5, with all proceeds going to Relay,” Stallworth said.

&#8220So come on out, cheer these ladies on, enjoy some good music and good food for a great cause!”

For more information on the April 21 hair cutting event, contact Jill Stallworth at 382-9597 or by e-mail at

For more information about the upcoming Butler County ACS Relay For Life, contact Relay Chair Joan Reynolds at 382-2696.