93% of taxes paid
Published 11:30 pm Thursday, January 15, 2009
After the boxes of mail were sorted and payments calculated, Revenue Commissioner Janice Hart said the to-date property tax collections totaled $10.4 million Thursday.
Only 7 percent of the $11,157,314 billed in October remains uncollected; however, for those homeowners, it could mean dire consequenc-es if the bill remains unpaid.
“We always have those that wait to the utmost last minute before they pay their bill,” Hart said. “But rest assured, (the county) will get it. It may have fees attached to it, but what is not paid will be sold at the delinquent tax sale in May.”
Collections for 2008 were very slow, but the year ended as she anticipated it would, Hart said.
“I feel like we were last year at this time, as far as collections go,” she said. “They might be a little less, but not by much.”
Hart said there are still a number of payments that were mailed in to process.
“But those are ones that we found errors in like say a person owns three parcels of property but only sent in payment for two with all three of the tickets,” she said. “Simple things like that, but we have to wait until those problems are corrected before we can post those figures to the total.”