Room of his own

Published 11:59 pm Friday, February 6, 2009

Avery Taylor deserves a new bedroom — that is according to his mom, Elizabeth, who recently nominated him for WKMX’s “Extreme Bedroom Makeover.”

And apparently, the folks at the Dothan-based radio station agreed. Now, the Taylor family hopes listeners will agree, too.

The promotion, which is sponsored by Wal-Mart of Enterprise and Pepsi of Luverne, will select one of five contestants competing for a complete bedroom makeover.

A short description of why each contestant should be chosen for the promotion is listed on the website. Visitors can vote for the contestant they feel is the most deserving.

This is what Elizabeth Taylor submitted:

“I would love to have my son’s room made over… We had a house fire in March of 2007, and everything was lost. We had insurance, but well, not enough to get the kid everything he wanted.

“He’s afraid to sleep in his room at night, and I feel like an awesome room might take his mind off of all that has happened. Even through all the events, my 9-year-old has went through, he has still kept his A and B average in school up. I would love to be able to reward him for all that he has done and still stayed strong, but the funds are just not there. So I ask you please to do this for my son.”

On Friday, Taylor confirmed what she had written about her son — a third grader at Pleasant Home School.

“We nominated him a couple of weeks ago,” she said. “He didn’t know anything about it. We didn’t tell him because we didn’t want him to get his hopes up, but then it got out, and now he’s excited.”

So excited, Taylor said he wanted to take flyers to school to help drum up votes.

“We didn’t let him, but a family friend made some up and took them around town (Friday),” she said. “So far, he’s running some pretty good numbers and it looks like he’s ahead in votes.”

Taylor said Avery deserves to win because he “is just outstanding. He’s an amazing boy.”

“After the fire, the insurance covered to put everything back the way it was,” she said. “But now he’s afraid to sleep in his room — like he’s afraid to get attached to it. He’ll sleep on the couch and he’s fine, it’s just his room.

“I think if he wins, he could get a really awesome room — one that’s his and he’ll feel comfortable again,” she said.

WKMX’s program director Aaron Tyler said the promotion is a way for the radio station to connect with its listeners.

“Being in a recession like we are, there were a lot of families out there that couldn’t do a lot for the holidays and this was an opportunity for us to do a promotion that is not only fun for the DJ’s but also a great way to give back to the community,” Tyler said.

All the work done during the makeover will be done by DJs and station personnel, he said.

To read the contestants’ stories visit

“And vote for Avery,” Taylor said.

Voting will close at midnight on Thurs., Feb. 12, and the winner will be announced sometime on Friday.