Chamber, ALPALS partner for monthly clean and green initiative

Published 12:30 pm Monday, April 4, 2022

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The Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce and Alabama PALS have come together for a Clean Up Covington County competition that began on April 1 and will conclude on April 22.

Alabama PALS is a 501 C-3 not-for-profit statewide organization dedicated to providing and implementing anti-litter programs for all Alabama counties, cities, communities, schools, and other groups. The organization strives to enhance its environmental and economic impact through a litter-free, cleaner, and more beautiful environment.

“To increase participation for our Clean and Green Initiative, we’ve decided to have a competition on who can pick up and collect the most bags of litter. We are very passionate about keeping our community clean especially since we have so much beach traffic coming through this time of year. It’s important how we present our city to those who may be seeing it for the first time,” AACC Executive Director Laura Wells said.

Wells met with Frank Schaeffer of ALPALS, Kelly Brandin of the Opp Chamber of Commerce, and Sheriff Blake Turman and said they all share the same vision for a Clean and Green Covington County. “We encourage all to participate in our competition. There will be winners for each area and then an overall countywide award for who collects the most litter.”

The business, which picks up the most litter during the competition, will be recognized as the Trash Collector of the Year. The winners will be announced live on the Chamber’s Facebook page on Earth Day, which is April 22.

To get a form and bags contact Laura Wells and Maggie Homes through e-mail at or

Wells added that the Chamber is also encouraging all citizens to recycle.

“There are two drop-off locations in the city of Andalusia at Progress Drive in the Industrial Park off Sutton Road and at the City Barn on Montgomery Street. The Chamber is distributing reusable shopping bags with our Clean and Green sponsor’s logos. Be sure to show all how your business supports keeping our community clean.”

The competition rules are as follows:

  • Please use caution when cleaning around roads.
  • Please wear gloves when picking up trash
  • Watch out for needles, snakes, etc.
  • For pick-up bags to count, you must take a photo of each collection and attach it with your form for proof of collection.
  • You must count the amount of bags you collect.
  • Only litter will count; no household trash will count.
  • You must report the number of employees (total per day) that pick up.
  • Report the name of the street you pick up.

Businesses interested in becoming a Clean and Green sponsor will have their company’s logo on those reusable bags provided by the Chamber.

The deadline for being a Clean and Green sponsor is April 11. There are three separate levels, which will determine the logo sizing on the bag. The top level, Reduce Sponsorship, costs $500. The middle level, Reuse Sponsorship, costs $250. The bottom level, Recycle Sponsorship, costs $100.

The Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce is located at 700 River Falls Street and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For more information call the Chamber at 334-222-2030.

“We are grateful to spearhead this initiative. We should all take pride in our area and look forward to enjoying our beautiful spot in the world. “We encourage everyone to think green and help promote reduce, reuse, and recycle this April,” Wells said.

The Opp and Covington County Area Chamber of Commerce is also sponsoring a Clean Up Opp and Covington County campaign throughout the month of April with a focus on April 22 as Earth Day.

“We are encouraging you, your business, or your club and organization to participate in this campaign by selecting days throughout the month of April to pick up trash and beautify our city and county. Please be cautious when picking up trash by wearing gloves, not picking up needles, and watching for snakes. You may pick up trash bags allotted for this specific cleanup project in our office at 200 South Main Street, or I will deliver the bags to you. Thank you for choosing to play an active role in our clean up Opp and Covington County campaign,” said Opp Chamber President Kelly Brandin.

The Opp Chamber is also sponsoring a weeklong campaign after Earth Day with themes for each day. Those days are as follows:

  • Mark a Mile Monday (April 25, 2022) Clean up a mile of a county road.
  • Tackle the Trash Tuesday (April 26, 2022) Clean up a city road.
  • Walk the Neighborhood Wednesday (April 27, 2022) Clean up your neighborhood.
  • Thoroughfare Thursday (April 28, 2022) Clean up an area between two businesses, parks, parking lots, etc.
  • Fanfare Friday (April 29, 2022) Clean up Covington County with a “crew” from work.

For more information call the Opp Chamber at 334-493-3070.