Published 12:00 am Friday, September 8, 2017

Larry Tubberville of Andalusia didn’t have intentions of growing a tomato plant, but one sprang up around his porch and it has turned out to be a monster.

“It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen,” Tubberville said. “In all my life, I’ve never seen one get up this tall.”

Tubberville said that he estimates the plant to be around 13 feet tall and says that it wasn’t something that he expected.

“I didn’t even plant the thing,” Tubberville. “My neighbor gave much some tomatoes awhile back and I usually pour out scraps for my dog by porch. I guess it came out of one of those tomato sandwiches that I made.”

The plant started producing tomatoes of its own not long after sprouting out of the ground, Tubberville said.

“I’ve probably got 30 or more tomatoes off it already,” Tubberville said. “It was probably about two feet tall when it started producing. I’ve made me some sandwiches out of them and fried some of them.”

Tubberville said that he really didn’t do anything special to get the plant to grow so tall.

“I just threw out some egg shells and some coffee grinds on it,” Tubberville said. “Once it started getting really tall, I began to tie it off on my porch, but now it’s above the porch. I won’t be tying it off if it get’s any bigger.”

With still more than a dozen tomatoes growing and blooms popping out all over the place, Tubberville hopes to get a little more use out of the plant.

“I know once that freeze gets here that it probably won’t make it through,” Tubberville said. “I hope I can get a few more off it before that happens, but I’ve been saving the seeds from the plant and I will try to regrow it in the spring.”