Public library getting new computers for patrons

Published 1:27 am Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Andalusia Public Library is getting updated computers.

APL Director Karin Taylor said city employees are installing 20 new state-of-the-art computers at the library.

“They should be done the next week,” she said.

Additionally, Taylor said that the library also is getting very comfortable computer chairs.

“We have received a computer projector,” she said. “We are going to conduct classes for Internet users. They will be very basic classes.”

Taylor said the classes would include things like how to use a mouse and go over some things computer users need to know.

“We will teach them things like filling out Social Security paperwork, creating job resumes and how to go to different websites to fill out job applications. We have so many people who come in to use our computers for this purpose.”

Taylor said last year, they had 24,899 computer users.

She said it’s been three years since the library has upgraded computers.

“We were over due,” she said. “These are supremely better than any we have had in our computer lab.”

Taylor said she asked the mayor and council if they would purchase new computers.

“They approved it,” she said. “We are very pleased and thankful for their generosity. We are very pleased to be able to provide these services for our patrons.”

The library has also in the last six months been able to become one of seven public libraries to join the Alabama Super Computer Authority.

“We have been rewired into their Internet backbone,” she said. “We are able to have higher bandwidth. What this entails, they will pay for three years of us getting free service. After the three years, they will see if there is any money left to be appropriated.”

Taylor said that partnership allows the library to save thousands and thousands of dollars to use for other library programs.

“It’s a win-win,” she said.