Published 10:56 am Saturday, July 9, 2016

Whatley St. to hold breakfast

The Rev. Darryl Calloway, pastor of Whatley Street First Baptist Church, was busy Friday sending texts and making phone calls, inviting religious and community leaders to a prayer breakfast this morning.

Rev. Fred Karthaus and Rev. Darryl Calloway pray last year.  Photographer/Star-News

Rev. Fred Karthaus and Rev. Darryl Calloway pray last year.

“The Lord just put it on my heart because of the current issues with the unnecessary deaths of two black men, and the unnecessary shooting of police officers in Dallas,” Calloway said.

He has invited church and community leaders to join him.

“I’m looking for all the spiritual folks,” he said. “We need to come together as a whole because we don’t know if it’s gonna be Andalusia next. I’m asking them all to come in, to pray for unity, and to pray for the families of all the victims. Even for the perpetrators.”

Just last summer, after a gunman killed nine people at a church prayer meeting in Charleston, Calloway and Dr. Fred Karthaus, pastor of Andalusia First Baptist Church, organized an interdenominational prayer service at city hall.

Calloway said he hopes to work with those who attend today’s meeting to put together a similar service in the coming days.

Karthaus, who was traveling on Friday, said many people are reacting now out of sheer emotion and shock.

“I hope tomorrow is one of those moments when people take a breath and begin to try to find some peace,” he said.

In each of the situations – Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Dallas – innocent people were killed, he said.

“Our role is to bring comfort and peace, not to stir up any more emotions.”

All welcome to attend the event 8 a.m. today at Whatley Street, Calloway said.