Red Level couple hopes to become Bernie Sanders delegates at DNC

Published 2:14 am Saturday, February 27, 2016

A husband and wife couple from Red Level are on Tuesday’s ballots as selections for delegates to the Democratic National Convention.


Craig and Teresa Tolbert hope to be selected as a delegate for Bernie Sanders.

Craig works as a central office tech for CenturyLink and Teresa is a rural carrier for the United States Postal Service.

“Craig and I are both proud to be union members,” she said. “He’s represented by the Communication Workers of America and I’m represented by the National Rural Letter Carriers Association.”

The Tolberts have two children.

“Our oldest son, Brett, lives in Huntsville and works as a software engineer, and our youngest son, Garrett, is a freshman at UAB majoring in chemistry,” she said.

Teresa is excited about being on the ballot.

“Looking over the Democratic primary ballot, I see a lot of familiar names,” she said. “It’s pretty awesome that so many fabulous people are vying for the opportunity to represent this district this summer in Philadelphia. We’d be honored if you’d trust us with your vote on March 1. We’re #feelingthebern!”