Art Walk added to holiday events

Published 12:43 am Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The LAAC’s junior board is holding an Art Walk on the Square on Dec. 12.

Board member Allen Walker said

“We want as many local artists as we can get,” Walker said. “This initiative is designed to promote local artists, and to add to the events in the city for Christmas in Candyland.

“We thought it would be good for artists to have an opportunity to sell their work before Christmas, and it’s also good for people shopping for unique gifts.”

There is a $25 fee for Art Walk participants, or they may donate a piece of art to be sold in a silent auction benefitting the LAAC.

The group also is working with local schools and will have student art on display. Proceeds from student work sold in a silent auction will go to the student’s respective schools, he said.

The event is set for 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Late last week, there were seven artists planning to participate, and others are encouraged, Walker said.

To sign up, artists should contact The Gallery at 222-3205.