AJHS plans annual Living History event next week

Published 12:51 am Wednesday, October 14, 2015


If you see Martha Washington, Isaac Newton and Jesse Jackson walking around downtown next Thursday morning, your eyes are not deceiving you – it’s time for the annual Andalusia City Schools Sixth Grade Living History Parade.

Sixth grade students at Andalusia Elementary School have been working for weeks on this project.

Every student has researched and written a speech describing the key events in the life of a historical figure.

Next, they assemble a costume appropriate for their character and memorize the speech.

Characters on display will range from Abigail Adams and Muhammad Ali to Oprah Winfrey and the Wright Brothers, and span the years from Aristotle to Barack Obama.

On Thurs. Oct. 22, starting at 9:45, students will parade from City Hall to City Square, where they will stand ready to recite their speeches for observers until 10:45.

The public is invited to support these students by attending this terrific event.