City BOE hires 6 for new year

Published 12:17 am Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Andalusia Board of Education on Monday took steps to get closer to opening the 2015-16 school year.

The board:

• Accepted the resignation of Alfagus Smith as a paraprofessional at AHS.

• Transferred Garrett Windham from AHS to AES as a paraprofessional/physical education.

• Hired

–Heather Bailey, 4th grade teacher at AES.

–Brenda Johnson as guidance counselor at AES.

–Melissa Myers as an 8th grade math teacher at AJHS.

–Julie Paige Strickland as an 8th grade science teacher at AJHS.

–Shan Burkhardt as system child nutrition director.

–Joey Caldwell as assistant principal at AES.

The board also approved changes to student handbooks for 2015-16. Changes include:

• At AES, 6th graders will be placed in advanced, accelerated and enrichment reading and English courses based upon grades, test scores, reading range, attendance, office referrals and teacher recommendations.


• Altered the AHS honor code policy to state that students would be removed from the National Honor Society for academic dishonesty.

• Amended the AHS extra-curricular/athletic eligibility policy to say that students would not be punished for being late to or missing a practice due to receiving extra academic help from a teacher. It is, however, the student’s responsibility to notify the coach in advance.

The board expects to finalize hiring in its regular meeting next Monday.