Andalusia starts soccer registration July 27
Published 11:59 pm Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Along with the start of the British soccer camp, the Andalusia Soccer League will be holding its registration from July 27 until Aug. 7 at Johnson Park.
Those interested must register at the park from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. between the registration dates.
The registration fee is $35 per player, payments are by check only, scholarships and family rates are available and parents need to bring a copy of their child’s birth certificate.
Players must be 4 years old as of Aug. 1, 2009 in order to participate, and games are usually played on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. Tryouts will take place Aug. 13 at 5:30 p.m. for 8-and-under teams.
Andalusia youth sports coordinator Barbara Tyler said the soccer program is one of the biggest programs involved with the city.
“It has had the most growth, besides the swim league, over the past two years,” Tyler said. “We did have a club team that was affiliated with our recreational program.
“The league is really big,” she said. “We usually have eight to 12 4-and-5-year-old teams that play.”
Tyler said the city is always looking for coaches, and they do not have to be parents.
Opening day is Sept. 12.
Those interested in coaching teams, contact Barbara Tyler at 428-2106; those interested in being a referee, contact Mark Ingram at 488-0269 or 222-2728; and those interested in volunteering, contact Allen Woodard at 222-9115.