$580K project moving forward
Published 1:35 am Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Andalusia residents of the Feagin Street area are one step closer to having better water service, sewerage and storm water drainage after the city council named an engineering firm to oversee the project.
Emily Waters of the Southeast Alabama Regional Planning Commission, who administers the grant for this project for the city, said engineers were asked to bid on the project, and were scored based on credentials. She recommended and the council approved Goodwyn Mills and Cawood.
Last fall, Gov. Robert Bentley announced the city would received $375,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for the project. Last night, Sen. Jimmy Holley, R-Elba, and Rep. Mike Jones, R-Andalusia, were on hand for a ceremonial check presentation.
Feagin was on the list to be resurfaced as part of a summer street improvement project, but that work was delayed when it was determined that infrastructure issues were contributing to the deterioration of the street, and the city began looking for improvement funds.
The project includes the replacement of undersized 1-inch metal water lines with 3-inch PVC lines to improve water pressure to homes on Dillard, Davis and King avenues, Kirkpatrick Drive, and Beatrice and Catawba streets. The city also will make drainage improvements to alleviate flooding problems along Beatrice Street and at the intersection of Carnell Street and Feagin Street.
Once the repairs are made, Mayor Earl Johnson said, the street will be resurfaced.
The project is expected to total $580,000, and the city is funding the $205,000 match.
Bob Carter of Goodwyn Mills and Cawood said the bid process will begin immediately, and the work will likely begin in four months.