Opp man convicted of sex abuse

Published 7:28 pm Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Opp man was convicted Wednesday of raping and sexually abusing a then-7-year-old girl in 2008.

William George Maxie, 67, was found guilty in a jury trial on one count of rape I, sodomy I and sexual abuse of a child under 12, said assistant district attorney Grace Jeter.

The victim, who is related to Maxie, told friends on the playground about the abuse. In turn, two classmates reported it to the teacher, who reported the abuse to the county department of human resources.

“The teacher talked to the victim after school that day and was told what was happening,” Jeter said. “A child’s statements are compelling pieces of evidence. At the time this incident was reported, the victim gave five consistent statements to law enforcement and medical personnel; however, when it came time to testify, she denied the abuse.

“But the evidence speaks for itself, and the jury saw that,” Jeter said. “This case highlights the damage that sexual abuse does to children, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally.

“Sometimes children think if they don’t talk about it, it will go away or they’ll forget about it, but child sexual abuse and allegations of inappropriate behavior should never be ignored,” she said.

Maxie, who was remanded into police custody, will be sentenced on Oct. 20. He faces 20 years to life in prison.