Murder suspect claims self-defense

Published 12:04 am Saturday, June 16, 2012

The accused murderer in the Tuesday death of a Carolina man is claiming self-defense in the shooting.

Clarence Alvin Norris, 51, is charged with one count of murder and is currently being held on a $500,000 bond in the Covington County Jail. He was arrested after officers received a 911 call of shots fired at the men’s Bass Bridge Road home. When deputies arrived, they found Cleve Wayne Norris, 50, dead from a gunshot wound.


Sheriff Dennis Meeks said Friday Norris stated the shooting occurred in self-defense; however, the case’s lead investigator, Howard West with the Covington County Sheriff’s Office, said the investigation refuted the man’s claim.

“Mr. Norris went to a neighbor’s residence and called 911 to report what happened,” West said. “Mr. Norris then gave conflicting statements during interviews from his 911 call. He then finally admitted to shooting his brother.”

Neither West nor Meeks would elaborate on a motive for shooting; however, West said there did not appear to be a history of police visits to the residence.

“From my understanding, (deputies) had not been dispatched there before, and Mr. Norris (the alleged shooter) had no criminal history that was reported,” he said.

The case remains under investigation.

Funeral services for Mr. Norris will be held today. For his complete obituary, see Page 6.