Letters to the Editor 1/24/2003
Published 12:00 am Monday, February 3, 2003
Disappointed in city council's
Dear Editor:
Thank you, Councilman Andrews, for your opposition to the creation of the mostly useless Utility Board. While I still consider all members of our elected city administrators to be my friends, I am greatly disappointed in many of the actions taken during this term.
Many people have shared with me their own disappointment over the creation of this board. At best it is unnecessary and is a financial drain to our city. I doubt that it will ever prove otherwise. At its worse, it may cause one to believe that the prime motive in creating this board is increased compensation for our elected officials.
Two boards of this city are more deserving of pay than is the utility board. I have known of members of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, and The Planning Commission to have lost business due to their actions in serving on those boards.
What about this council's own rule to make board appointments public and allow citizens to apply for those positions? Why did that not apply in this instance? Does the code under which this hoard was created require that two council members be a part there of?
I hated to see our water board disbanded by this action. It has been a distinct asset to our city.
I feel that we citizens have been abused by the creation of this board.
I heard a councilman during a council meeting some years ago say that the people don't care what we do, they elect us to make the decisions. While that is not entirely correct, the lack of public input to actions that we do not approve of would lead an elected official to think that. A simple letter to the editor saying ;"I disapprove of the creation of a utility board" will be a step in the right direction. If you do approve, you should say that you do. In any event, we are the ones affected and we should have a say so. At the least, call your councilman and the Mayor and tell them how you feel.
Thanks for the editorial in the Jan. 16 issue of the Star-News pertaining to the utility board.
What do our elected administrators plan to ram down our throats next?
Benny Barrow