GALLERY: Covington Veterans Foundation funds school grants
Published 1:00 pm Friday, January 24, 2025
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CVF presented Courtney Blake a $2,000 grant which Opp High School juniors will use to design and create a memorial to veterans for the City of Opp. Pictured are, from left, CVF board members Robert Evers, John Vick, Teresa Ward, Blake, and CVF’s Terry Powell and Brenda Gouge. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
CVF presented Straughn Middle School with a $2,000 grant to fund a seventh grade field trip to Battleship Park in Mobile. Pictured are, from left, CVF board members Robert Evers, John Vick, Teresa Ward, SMS teacher Angelia Holliday, SMS principal Cassandra Anderson, SMS teacher Karen Ziglar, and CVF’s Terry Powell. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
CVF presented Rhonda Mosley with a $800 grant to create a “Wall of Honor” for veterans who attended or taught at Straughn Middle School. Mosley’s English students will gather information about veterans, and framed photographs of veterans will be displayed in a mural at the school. Pictured are, from left, CVF board members Robert Evers, John Vick, Teresa Ward, Mosley, and Terry Powell. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
CVF presented Sarah Allen a $525 grant which Florala High School SGA used to fund a Veterans Day Program at the school. The school purchased American flags to line the school entrance and host a reception for veterans. Pictured are, from left, CVF board members Robert Evers, John Vick, Teresa Ward, FHS principal Carie Turman, who accepted for Allen, and CVF’s Terry Powell and Brenda Gouge. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
CVF presented Melissa Windham a $650 grant which Florala High School Ambassadors used to recognize veterans and Gold Star Mothers who currently reside in Florala Health and Rehab. The students delivered appreciation baskets to the facility for Veterans Day. Pictured are, from left, CVF board members Robert Evers, John Vick, Teresa Ward, FHS teacher Melissa Windham, students Gracie McNeill and Ellie Odom, and CVF’s Terry Powell. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
CVF presented Jennifer Withrow a $2,000 grant for Pleasant Home High School. The grant provides funding for a PHS field trip for students in grades 9-12 to the American Village in Montevallo where students will participate in the Independence Program, visit the Veterans' Shrine, and the Alabama National Veterans Cemetery. Pictured are, from left, CVF board members Robert Evers, John Vick, Teresa Ward, Withrow, and Terry Powell. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
The Covington Veterans Foundation recently funded mini grants totaling $7,975 to area schools for veteran-related projects.
CVF offered the funding to all schools in Covington County who made applications for projects designed to give students a better understanding and appreciation of veterans. The projects could range from $500 to $2,000.
Grant applications were reviewed by a committee, which recommended funding all six applications received for the 2024-25 school year. Brenda Gouge led the effort.
Funding went to Straughn Middle School, Florala High School, Opp High School, and Pleasant Home School.
Board chairman John Vick said CVF was formed to preserve, recognize, and honor the service and sacrifice of former and current members of the United States Armed Forces who have lived and worked in Covington County.
“After many conversations about how to involve young people, we decided to start this grant program and let educators tell us how they could be involved with veterans,” Vick said. “We had no idea what ideas they’d come up with when we sought applications last fall, but we are more than pleased with the results.
“These are excellent projects,” he said. “We appreciate the teachers who are willing to go the extra mile to put these projects together, and hope others will be inspired to follow suit in the 2025-26 school year.”
CVF president Ben Bowden was out of town and unable to participate in the presentations.