Domino Tourney Sweepstakes ends with $15,000 to split among five

Published 9:15 am Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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On Friday night, five winners in the Andalusia Rotary Club’s Domino Sweepstakes draw down split $15,000.

As always, the drawdown held excitement, with door prizes being given away as numbers were eliminated from the board.

When there were 10 ticket holders left, the drawing was paused to make sure ticket holders or their proxies were in place.

The last 10 tickets were held by Jeremy Judd, Red Stovall, Mark Harper, Southern Automotive & Accessories, Chris Lawrence, Jeff & Krystal Collins, Pete Blackwell & Teresa Blackwell, Ken Jackson, Hayden Raines, and Hunter Harrington.

At this point, club rules allow the 10 ticket-holders to split the $15K pot, and walk away with $1.5K each. But Stovall elected to keep rolling.

Hunter Harrington was eliminated.

Stovall said, “Keep going,”

It was a move with the potential to make a preacher cuss, as First Methodist minister Ken Jackson was eliminated next.

Stovall still wanted to keep going. Mark Harper went out.

At each venture, Stovall – who might have been being encouraged by club member Jeffery “Mr. Mattress” Douglas – said “keep on.”

Next out was Southern Automotive. And then, the suspense ended when Stovall’s number was the fifth drawn.

The remaining five ticket holders -Judd, Lawrence, the Collinses, Blackwells and Raines – agreed to split and went home $1,500 richer.