Published 5:24 pm Friday, July 10, 2020

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

By: Edward Ganus, Pastor of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church

A young missionary, newly arrived in Africa, was concerned about the safety of his family among the jungle animals. While traveling with his native guide, asked the guide if it is true that a jungle animal will not attack people if they are carrying torches. The guide replied that it depends on how fast they carry the torches. The missionary quickly learned how jungle animals feel about people.

We can read the Bible and quickly learn how God feels about people, that He created us for fellowship, loves us, forgives and blesses us.

First, we learn that God created people and everything else, Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” In Genesis 1:27, we find “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” Then verse 28 of Genesis 1 says that God blessed them, which helps us understand why God created man. The next 3 verses show how God feels about man as He gives man authority over His creation, which He has provided for the well being of His people.

Then, in Genesis 3:9, we learn that it was God who cared so much for Adam and Eve, even after they rebelled and disobeyed Him that He called out to them in the Garden Of Eden, where they were trying to hide from Him.

Also, we learn of the greatest love possible in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” When God gave Jesus on the cross He showed us his love for people and that He was willing to forgive sins and restore His relationship to people as if they had never sinned if they would only repent and come to Him by faith.

Realizing that God has shown how He feels about us, then we show Him how we feel about Him.

First we need to establish within ourselves how we really feel about God. Do we love Him? Do we adore Him? Do we respect Him? Do we fear Him? Do we worship Him or do we ignore Him, rebel against Him, disobey Him, or even hate Him. Just how do we really feel about God, because He really knows our feelings about Him.

In Psalms 50:1-15, we find some facts about God that if we believe them will help us show the right feelings toward Him. Verse 1 says He is mighty, meaning He is all powerful, verse 6, says He is righteous, meaning He is perfect, also that He is the judge of his people. Verse 12 says the whole world and the fullness there of is God’s. Verse 14 teaches us that one feeling we should have toward God is feeling of thanksgiving. We should be grateful to God for all his blessings and that we should, “Pay our vows to the Most High,” This means we are to keep his commandments and serve God with all our heart.

If I have the right feeling toward God, I show it by my church attendance, love for my fellowman, keeping His commandments, using my talents and gifts for His glory, tithes and offerings, prayer life, language I use before Him and His creation, way I treat my family and others, and by my honesty and character.

In conclusion, we really show God how we feel about Him by the way we live.