Published 12:59 am Thursday, March 28, 2019

Teams hosting fundraisers as April 27 nears

It is almost crunch time for the organizers of the 2019 Relay for Life with only one month left  until the event date.

Randi Bozeman said that they are hard at work, but the city has been wonderful with helping them.

“This Friday will be exactly four weeks until the big event,” Bozeman said. “And so far everything has been going great. The city has been wonderful with helping us with all sorts of things. We are going to get the big tent set up for our survivors, the D.J. is booked and I’ve got everything laid out for the talent show.”

Although Bozeman has not received any applications for the talent show yet, she hopes that there will be a surge of applicants soon.

“It is a new thing that we added this year,” Bozeman said. “We talked about it on the radio yesterday, so we hope that will get the word out as well as the paper.”

Another new thing added this year will be a car show.

“Anyone interested in showing their car or motorcycle is welcome,” Bozeman said. “The entry fee is their choice of donation. The votes will be based on the people’s choice, but the entry fee will start them off with how many votes they get. So, if someone donates $10, they will have 10 votes to start off with before anyone votes.”

Bozeman said that sponsorships also are still open for the event.

“It is a great idea for any businesses or individuals,” Bozeman said. “It is a great way for people to honor somebody you know who has survived or who has cancer.”

Right now, there are 11 teams registered and several are gearing up for their fundraisers in the coming weeks.

The City of Andalusia’s Annual Plant Sale is scheduled for April 4 and 5 and is their annual fundraiser for Relay for Life.

Allison Vuyovich with the city said that they have already ordered several plants in preparation for the event.

“We are excited for our annual plant sale,” Vuyovich said. “We have several flowery plants, fruit trees and shrubs.”

The plants will range from $6 to $60.

Vuyovich said that it is important to the city that they are involved with such a good organization like Relay for Life.

“I can speak personally about the organization,” Vuyovich said. “Because my dad and my aunt passed away from cancer. It is such a great organization and I think everyone knows or at least knows of someone who has been impacted by cancer.”

She said that the annual plant sale has been going on for a long time.

“The city has access to get these plants and bring them to our hometown for our citizens,” Vuyovich said. “I think a lot of people are going to be interested in our flowery plants, but we have a selection of everything.”

Last year, the plant sale was sold out by lunch on the second day, so Vuyovich said people need to come early.

“We have a lot of everything,” Vuyovich said. “But there is no telling how many people will come out or how many plants they will get. It all goes to a good cause though.”

The plant sale will begin at 8 a.m., both days and end at 5 p.m.

The Adult Activity Center also has a painting fundraiser on April 8.

Participants will paint a colorful songbird. It is $30 to enroll and the deadline to pre-order and pre-pay is April 5. The class will be from 5:30 p.m., until 7:30 p.m., at the Adult Activity Center.

For more information, contact Kelly Ralls at 334-428-1141 or Tanya Williams at 334-428-1155.

The Covington Electric Coop team will have two fundraisers in the coming weeks.

The first one being a bass fishing tournament this Saturday, at Cypress Landing R.V. Park. Weigh in will be at 3 p.m.

The cost for the fishing tournament is $100 per team for a two-person team. There is a five fish limit, and a minimum 12 inches per fish.

Prize money will be based on 30 boats. First place will win $900, second place will win $400 and third place will win $200.

For more information, contact Brian Lasiter at 334-343-0619, Bill Baggett at 403-0376 or Andy Willis at 334-488-3510.

The second fundraiser will be a golf tournament on April 23, at the Andalusia Country Club.

It is a three-person scramble, and the team entry fee is $200.

The tournament will begin at 11 a.m., with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.

For more information, contact Ricky Smith or Mark Parker at 334-222-4121.