Flying cars reminders of God’s chariot approaching Ezekiel

Published 1:36 am Saturday, October 6, 2018

By R.A. Mathews

It looks like a regular, small-sized aircraft with a body and wings—except it’s a flying car. And you can now buy one!

“Where did you read this?” my lawyer buddy asked me last night with a laugh. “Science Fiction Weekly?”

Fox Business News,” I said. “It’s true!”

A company called Terrafugia announced last week that it’s taking orders for pre-sales of Transition, a flying car. The vehicle can move at speeds of 100 mph, and when Transition lands, the wings fold behind it and the body drives like a regular car.

Aston Martin, one of several competitors, is also taking orders. Its airborne vehicle can reach speeds of 200 mph and make vertical take-offs and landings—you don’t need a runway.

Winged cars will change the economy for struggling areas in South Alabama. When people can quickly reach the coast, our little towns will become attractive bedroom communities for those in the Florida Panhandle. South Alabama offers less expensive property and greater safety from coastal storms.

Perhaps these new automobiles bring to mind a famous flying vehicle in the Bible.

Some 600 years before the birth of Christ, an emerald-wheeled coach flew from heaven engineered by cherubim at each corner. An inverted cup sat over the wheels with a throne resting on top of it. God, in the likeness of a man, sat on that throne.

As God’s chariot approaches, Ezekiel is overwhelmed and falls to the ground with his head down. The Spirit then lifts the priest to hear the Lord.

But why would God come like this?

In Scripture, we see the Lord quietly walking with two angels toward Abraham, gently appearing in Solomon’s dreams, and even arriving in a whirlwind before Job. But there’s nothing quite like this commanding vehicle.

Maybe that’s because the prophecies God will deliver to Ezekiel are unthinkable.

Ezekiel is one of the longest books in the Bible—48 chapters—and God is angry throughout most of those pages. His people have turned to detestable practices instead of worshipping Him, and God is bent on conquering what’s left of Israel and sending His people away. The Lord will even destroy His home, the temple.

As I said, it’s unthinkable.

And God instructs Ezekiel to speak these words to His people: “Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”

The book spans a 22-year period. By the last chapters, the wrath of God abates, and He promises to return His people to their land for the sake of His holy name. The Lord says: “I will give you a new heart and a new spirit.” Ezekiel 36:26

This prophecy comes true when Cyrus the Great surprisingly allows the Jewish captives to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. Just as amazing, Cyrus sends with them vessels taken from the temple before it was destroyed. 2 Chronicles 36:22ff, Ezra 1:1-11

Let me show you here how the Old Testament intertwines so beautifully with the New Testament.

Jesus frequently refers to Himself as the “Son of man.” It happens 30 times in Matthew’s gospel. Hearing those words, the disciples would have immediately thought of Ezekiel. Why? Because God calls Ezekiel the “son of man” over 90 times.

Ezekiel’s prophecies reveal harsh judgment upon a people who’ve left God. But the book ends with the Lord’s intervention. “I will seek the lost and bring back the strayed…I will rescue my flock.” Ezekiel 34:16-22

Sound familiar?

Jesus said, “I am the good Shepherd…I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10:11-18

The world today isn’t what Ezekiel knew. We have a host of amazing gadgets and mind-blowing technology: Remote-controlled coffee machines; music from Alexis; the news via satellite; and emails from Wi-Fi. These winged cars will be another treat.

But the danger is in letting technology distract us from the Lord.

Ezekiel’s message remains important—if you place anything before God, expect to hear from Him. And not in a good way.

Enjoy prayer, Bible study, and meditation. You can listen to Scripture from an app or CD. If you don’t know how to meditate, search for a class, check out You-tube, or get a DVD.

Whatever else you do, start your day with the Lord. Put Him first.


© 2018 R.A. Mathews The Rev. R.A. Mathews is a freelance faith columnist, attorney, and the author of “Reaching to God.” Follow her on Twitter at “Reaching to God.”