What most of us need most is encouragement

Published 12:54 am Saturday, June 23, 2018

By David D. McMillian

One of main things we need in our lives is not another book to read, a person who is a troublemaker in our lives, or people who do not really care for us at all if the truth be known. What we probably need most of all is encouragement. When our heads are hanging down, our eyelids are droopy from too much , and our hearts feel weighty, we look to others for encouragement.

Often we do not feel encouraged by what others say and do in our presence. That is a sad. What can we do to feel better about these things?

I know I have had people in my life who encouraged me despite what criticism or negativity I was feeling. They cared, and listened. Sometimes they shut me down too because I was not listening. And we too need that! We are in need of care.

We are physical, emotional and mentally- thinking people. But not feeling hopeful can lead to problems in all areas of our life, physical and thought- patterns. Who or what encourages us?

We too can paint people into corners and expect they dance to our tunes , and we fail to realize that everyone has specific problems and losses as we do. Who needs to be encouraged?  We all do.  That person who said the one thing we needed at a critical time we remember.  We think about how they said something hopeful.

With all the depressed situations and lonely people we do not want to stay in feeling this way too.  What  should we have to not feel at wits end?  I would imagine we need purpose, direction, and a feeling of making a worthy contribution to others at the core.

Have you ever felt that all was lost? We seek someone to talk to that cares, and see what is possible.  I imagine we all need a spiritual, emotional and mental hug now and then.  It is ok to feel down, but if we are feeling despair, that is the time to seek others out who we trust.  Our Lord put it this way, “ Come unto me all that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  That is certainly what we need to find to relieve the problems we feel so much.  But we need to find someone who lives that spiritual unconditional love as well.

I have never forgotten when I was told by someone I respected that I was loved , and they cared how I was doing.  That meant more than anything!  Who needs help?  We all do.  Seek someone we trust and respect to find answers.


The Rev. David D. McMillan is vicar of St. Michael’s Anglican Church in Andalusia and a retired U.S. Army chaplain.