Opp Council stalls on garbage truck lease decision
Published 1:25 am Tuesday, April 3, 2018
The Opp City Council hasn’t reached a decision on a garbage truck for the city.
At its March 19th meeting, the city council discussed whether they would lease a new garbage truck for the city or exercise its option to purchase the garbage truck it currently leases. The lease expires in October.
At that meeting, council members said that they would rather see a lease agreement before making a decision.
On Monday night, council members put off the vote again to see an alternate lease agreement before deciding.
Leasing a new garbage truck from RDK Truck Sales for three years would cost $5,144 per month, or a total of $185,184.
Council members said they would like to see a five-year lease proposal before they give a final answer.
“We have to make our minds up by May 1, so that there is time for our truck to be built,” Mayor Becky Bracke said.
“I will call a special meeting to decide once we look over all of our options.”
In an unrelated matter, June Flowers of Opp petitioned the council to provide maintenance at Hickory Grove Cemetery.
Mayor Becky Bracke said that in the past, the cemetery could not be cleaned up by the city because it was not city property.
“There’s no reason the city can’t cut the grass,” Flowers said.
“It’s not illegal to do it.”
Flowers also said she was told that the city has a choice whether to help keep up the cemetery or not.
“The city took care of the cemetery four or five years ago,” she said.
“Most graves within the cemetery have families that moved away and can’t help with the upkeep of the cemetery. They all deserve to have their memories honored.”
Bracke said she will look into the new laws and see what she could do for the cemetery and make a decision.