National emergency test set today
Published 2:58 am Wednesday, September 27, 2017
There will be no need for alarm when the Emergency Alert System (EAS) warnings pop up today as part of FEMA’s mandatory nationwide testing.
According to a FEMA press release, the test will assess the readiness for distribution of the national level test message, as well as verify its delivery.
“Covington County EMA will not be participating in this test in any way,” Covington County EMA worker Susan Harris said. “NOAA will conduct business as usual on Wednesday, which means that they will conduct their NOAA Weather Radio Routine Weekly Test between 11 a.m. and noon.”
The test message will be similar to the regular monthly test message, but will inserting the world “national.”
“This is a national test of the Emergency Alert System. This is only a test.”
The test is scheduled from 1:20 p.m., barring an actual emergency.
The back-up test date will be Oct. 4 at the same time, in case tomorrow’s test is cancelled.