E-911 working to upgrade CAD, dispatch monitoring system

Published 1:03 am Tuesday, July 18, 2017

E-911 employees are currently working to improve their system all the way around.

Employees are working with antiquated software and the GPS mapping isn’t always accurate, specifically with which side of the road an address is located.

Covington County E911 Assistant Director Clay Brown said that the maps they started out with years ago are better than the ones they have now.

“Mapping is a tremendous problem,” he said.

E-911 Board Chairman Wayne Godwin said that he’d rather replace the system than continuously upgrade an obsolete system.

The new system for mapping would allow the GPS coordinates to come within a foot of the location.

“Where are they going to be in two years if we keep patching the system?” he said.

Board member Cory Spurlin said he agreed 100 percent.

Sheriff Dennis Meeks said he’d been on the board for 11 years and they were always running into issues with the system.

The board agreed they liked the Esri system, but tabled that upgrade until they could talk to the owners of Haynes Ambulance to get some input on what they use to make a smooth transition.

However, they did agree to go with CGI Systems on the dispatching monitor upgrades at a cost of $15,000 and $500 per month.

The owner of the business has agreed to build the infrastructure any way they want.