Winter heating assistance available
Published 1:23 am Tuesday, January 3, 2017
With winter upon us, the anxiety for some residents who worry about paying their electricity costs heightens.
But help is on the horizon for locals who may soon have problems paying the added costs of keeping homes warm in the winter.
Organized Community Action Program director Elizabeth Seay said this week that call-in appointments for the agency’s low-income heating/energy assistance program (LIHEAP) will be held Jan. 4, starting at 8 a.m.
Seay said she wasn’t sure of the total number of households the program would be able to assist this year, but estimated it would be close to the usual, which runs usually around 600 or so – give or take.
Seay said that’s a lot of households to be able to help.
“When you are helping all of Covington County, that’s great,” she said. “With the energy bills being so high. It is awesome to get to help so many people.”
Seay said the appointments are by phone only and are on a first-come, first serve basis.
“I will book the appointments until they are all gone,” she said.
Only one appointment per phone call will be given, and the utility bill must be in the name of the person applying for assistance. Applicants must provide total household income and original Social Security cards to make application.
Contact the OCAP office at 334-428-2660.