Published 10:38 am Saturday, May 7, 2016


The Gallery featuring Margo’s florals

This month, The Gallery is featuring “Watercolor Florals,” all painted by Andalusia artist Margo Russell.

Russell said when asked to do a May show earlier this year, she set out to paint enough florals to fill the gallery.

“Some will be pieces I have done before that are on loan,” she said. “But I’ve added a number of florals to the collection for this show.”

Russell earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama and master’s degree in art education from Florida State. She has taught art to children and adults in Andalusia for many years.

She earned the Emily B. Gassenheimer Award for “Woods Behind the Fort” at the 2011 Montgomery Art Guild Museum Exhibition. Her paintings and drawings of bluegrass musicians were presented in a 2012 solo exhibition, “String Notes and Brush Strokes,” by the Johnson Center for the Arts in Troy.

An opening reception for the current florals show is set for 1:30 until 3 p.m. this Sun., May 8.

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