Governor combines economic development, turkey hunting
Published 10:47 am Friday, March 13, 2015
With the majestic wild turkey as the centerpiece, Gov. Robert Bentley will showcase the great state of Alabama’s abundant natural resources, friendly business climate and the usual great Southern hospitality at the annual Alabama Governor’s One-Shot Turkey Hunt March 16-18 at the Embassy Suites in Montgomery.
Combining the efforts of the Governor’s Office, the Alabama Conservation and Natural Resources Foundation and the Alabama Department of Commerce, the Governor’s One-Shot Hunt focuses on potential economic partners and is designed to highlight Alabama as the preferred destination for business, industry and nature-based tourism. The event puts Alabama in the global spotlight and helps strengthen relationships with existing Alabama industry leaders as well as developing relationships with new industry prospects.
The Governor’s One-Shot Hunt will pair the participants with hosts, who will provide hunting property and guides to hunt one of Alabama’s premier big-game species.
Not only do participants get to experience the thrill of chasing the wily Eastern wild turkey, hunters and guests are also provided a relaxed setting to experience Alabama’s great hospitality. Great friendships and business bonds have been formed during previous One-Shot hunts.
About 75 individuals are typically invited to participate in the Governor’s Hunt, which will open some of Alabama’s best hunting habitat to the guests, which will include representatives from industry, commerce, entertainment and the news media, many who have never experienced the outdoor wonders in our great state.
Gov. Bentley will serve as host for the hunt, which is sponsored by the Alabama Conservation and Natural Resources Foundation, created in 1999 to further enhance the enjoyment of the outdoors. The non-profit ACNRF sponsors projects that promote wise use and stewardship of our natural resources. In addition to the Governor’s Hunt, other projects include Alabama’s Youth Dove Hunts, one Auburn University student scholarship and one student scholarship at the University of Alabama, Hunters Helping the Hungry, National Archery in Public Schools program, Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program and the North Alabama Birding Trail.
When the Governor’s One-Shot Hunt started in 2002, the Lynn Dent Boykin Youth Wildlife Endowment for Scholarships was established at Auburn University. Funds raised from previous hunts have allowed the Foundation to allocate a total of $500,000 to the scholarship fund. The 2014 Governor’s One-Shot Hunt created a new goal for scholarship funding. The Dan Moultrie Fund for Excellence has been established for students in the Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and The Larry Drummond Scholarship has been established for students in the University of Alabama College of Arts and Sciences.