Continue support for men’s ministry

Published 1:39 am Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dear Editor,

For over 30 years the people, men and women, of the Stanley Community have been trying to preserve their historic School House. They attended at least their first six grades of school there. The present generation wants to save the building in honor of their parents, grandparents and great-grand parents.

Then a group of men wanted to start a men’s ministry they first decided they did not want to connect it to any church or denomination. They wanted to share the message of Christ with men who possibly did not feel comfortable attending a church.

Their goal was to challenge men to be leaders in their homes to be good husbands, fathers, and also good citizens. They also wanted to direct them to Christ and the Church.

The first speaker was a wrestler who shared his walk with God. Two hundred and sixty-three men attended the meeting. They were served a steak dinner at no cost to them.

The men who saw a need for such a ministry gave their time, money, and energy to help preserve this building and use it for a good cause.

The Covington County Commission felt that it was a proper and worthy cause for them to be a part of preserving this historic School House.

The Covington County Baptist Association’s connection to this ministry is to be their banker; a place where gifts can be made. The Association and many churches have pledged their support.

Please do not allow a small group of atheists to destroy something as worthy as this Old School Ministry. It might just be the thing that saves a family, protects some child, or even produces a better citizen. Why would anyone want to destroy this?


Thank you for your support.

Milner Perry