Published 10:30 pm Friday, May 23, 2014


Dream. That was the message Valedictorian Maia O’Reilly had for the 110th graduating class of Andalusia High School Friday night.

“This is our job now after high school, to go as far as we can in life,” O’Reilly said. “We have really just reached a doorway, and beyond that doorway are our dreams.”

O’Reilly told her 118 fellow graduates and a packed AHS auditorium that dreams are attainable using only a few simple traits.

“Having vision is important,” she said. “Vision is a guide; it is the heart of any dream. Hard work is the fiber of any dream. Perseverance is the soul of our dreams.”

While O’Reilly focused on the future, Salutatorian Michael McCalman spoke to his classmates about what it has taken to reach graduation.

“I have helped out in Amber Clark’s third grade class this year, and some of the students wrote me letters,” McCalman said. “One little girl, Gracie, asked me if it has been hard, or if it has been fun. It has been some of both.”

The Class of 2014 also acknowledged former classmates Logan Johnson and Tyler Pugh, both whom have passed away, and said two crabapple trees have been donated by the class to the school in honor of the two lives.

O’Reilly ended the night with a message of hope for her fellow graduates to take with them into their future endeavors.

“Never give up on your dreams,” she said. “They are made of such simple stuff.”