Hammett named to city IDB
Published 12:08 am Thursday, February 7, 2013
Not just every city can have a former director of the Alabama Develop-ment Office on its Industrial Development Board, but Andalusia does.
When Mayor Earl Johnson announced the board opening to the council Tuesday night, he said, “I asked a fella that I didn’t think would accept, and he said ‘yes.’ That would be Mr. Seth Hammett.”
Hammett, the former speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives did a stint as ADO director after leaving office. Currently, he works with PowerSouth. The council unanimously agreed to appoint him to the local board.
Hammett will fill the unexpired term of Ferrell Walton.
In other business, the council:
• reappointed Tom Gerlach to the South Central Alabama Mental Health Board.
• Agreed to contribute $10,000 to the Babe Ruth World Series being hosted here by the Covington County Rec. Board.
• Approved special event alcohol licenses for the National Wild Turkey Foundation and the Delta Waterfowl Foundation.